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For the Love of Cupidity Page 8
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Page 8
I’m watching the ceremony like a hawk. Sev is rotating them out on my orders, while I whisper instructions from our spot beside the dais. Since they’ll be doing most of their work in the Veil, it’s best to have them practice there now.
Elder Mortel gave us a little alcove to use that’s close enough to see what’s happening, without being too near to be distracting. Except, you know, the troll-cupid who’s pretty much distracting no matter where he’s standing. I keep him in the Veil.
I have to admit, so far, everything is going well and we’ve only had a few hiccups. The first was when the nerdy cupid accidentally tripped at the start of the ceremony. He caught himself on the genfin female’s boobs. Her soon-to-be-mates weren’t happy. I pushed him back into the Veil before they could clobber him.
Then, ballgown cupid went and blew way too much Lust at the first covey during their ceremony. At least two of the males came in their trousers. There were wet spots.
But, with my help, all ten of those genfins were successfully hit with Love Arrows. When I say hit, I mean they were pretty much shanked by my trainees, since shooting with a bow is still too expert level for them. But hey, cupid baby steps. And anyway, the cupids were in the Veil, so no genfin was harmed during the Love Arrow shanking. In fact, they went from only slightly sharing affection for each other, to having some solid desire and tenderness.
Now, we’re down to the last covey.
“Alright,” I say, giving whispered instructions to cell phone cupid and goth cupid. “Your team members primed this covey up really well. All you have to do, is seal the deal with Love Arrows,” I tell them.
Goth cupid is a bit arrow shy since Amorette stabbed him, but I hand him a full quiver and pat him on the shoulder. “You got this.”
He holds it as far away from himself as he can. Cell phone cupid rolls her eyes and sighs at him. “Such a newb.”
“Okay, go on,” I say, and then I push them into the Veil.
The other cupids and I watch the covey as they go through the rituals being led by the elder. As the vows are exchanged, I put out my cupid senses. Even though I can’t see them in the Veil, I feel it the moment a Love Arrow hits its mark.
Love pulses in the air, and all of the trainees standing with me visibly shudder from it. I smile when I take in the expressions of the genfins on the dais. The males’ expressions soften on their female, and she loses some of her nervous tension and relaxes under their touch when they clasp hands.
“Okay, you two,” I say, pointing to the troll and the cupid in the leather get-up. “You guys are up. After they drink out of the ceremonial chalice, blow some Lust at them.”
As soon as the cupids nod in understanding, I push them into the Veil.
“I think you actually fooking managed it, boss. You managed to train this lot, after all,” Sev says in an impressed tone. I’d be a bit offended if I weren’t surprised myself.
“Thanks, Sev,” I say, my eyes facing forward.
I feel the Lust eeking out at the dais, and I sigh a bit in relief. This is actually turning out alright. Then I feel a bit more Lust. And more. And more. And…
“Shit!” I whisper-hiss. “Sev, the damn troll is breathing too much out!”
“On it,” Sev says, before disappearing into a puff of pink.
I watch anxiously, but it’s pretty much too late. The troll cupid must have breathed way too much of the stuff, and considering he’s so big, it’s leaking out over the entire gathered audience.
I wince at the change of the genfins in the seats. Simultaneous purring breaks out. Tails are obscenely wrapped around mates. Hardies are clearly visible. I’m pretty sure a few people with front row seats moan.
The genfin males on the stage cut Elder Mortel short when they down the rest of the contents in the chalice, and then toss the female over their shoulder to hussle her off the stage. She giggles in delight as the five of them run off to go nest for the heat that has clearly been jump-started.
“Good grieving hearts,” I mutter.
Sev pops back next to me along with the troll and the leather cupid. I place my hands on my hips and shake my head. The troll looks down at his feet. “Sorry, miss boss.”
“Just be more careful next time.”
“Yes, miss boss.”
I blow out a breath and look back to the rest of the cupids, flinging my arms up. “Well, that was completely, utterly, totally...” They all cringe as my words taper off. I grin. “Fantastic.”
The cupids’ eyes flash to mine, and I see the relief spread across the group. “You guys did so well for your first assignment. Apart from the few mishaps, I’m confident that you guys will do great on earth for Valentine’s Day.”
“Really?” the nerdy guys asks, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Really. I’m very proud of you all.”
I can tell they don’t want to like my praise, but a few smiles escape, anyway.
“You can have the rest of the night off here,” I say, and I get a collection of whoops and claps. “ I’ll send you back to earth tomorrow. Make it the best Valentine’s Day ever for those humans, alright?”
They all nod and break off, while Sev and I stay behind.
Sev bumps me playfully with his shoulder. “Good fooking job, you.”
“Thanks, Sev. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“We’re alrigh’ at this love shite, after all, aye?”
I smile. “Aye.”
And yeah, we might have seven hundred genfins around with boners and wet undies, but it’s a small price to pay for three new, happy genfin matches.
Cupid boss win.
Chapter 18
My mates and I have been celebrating at the after-party for hours. The pavilion quickly changed from the formal, elegant mating ceremony to a lavish, slightly weird genfin revelry. There’s a lot of…rutting going on. It’s been confirmed that the new mated coveys successfully went into heat, so they’re all sequestered away in their homes, nesting and getting it on. As far as the rest of the partygoers? Well the troll cupid let out a lot of lust. The sexfest was pretty much inevitable.
“I’m officially on maternity leave,” I muse aloud.
The four of my guys are settled around me in a nice mate cocoon while we watch the entertainment and enjoy the food. There are genfins on the stage doing their ritual dances, while music plays in the background. More genfins come around with wooden platters, serving kabob-style food and fairy wine. It’s a beautiful night, even amidst all the animal grunting going on around us.
“Yes. You worked hard, and you trained them well,” Sylred tells me, kissing me on the top of the head. “I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks, Syl.”
I’m sandwiched between him and Evert, while I’m using Okot as a chair, and Ronak has my legs in his lap. Everyone is lounging on furs and pillows on the ground since genfins can’t handle tables and chairs in their animal forms.
My cupids are enjoying themselves with the rest of the night off, chatting up genfins and probably trying to get lucky. Sev disappeared hours ago with a male and female in tow, the horny bastard.
Just then, Ronak’s mother walks up with her mates. She looks down at us where we sit, but instead of seeming haughty like usual, she’s regarding me curiously. “Well. It seems you being a cupid was slightly helpful to genfins, after all. You didn’t completely embarrass yourself for once,” she says.
I beam. “That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me!” I bet it was all the Lust she involuntarily inhaled. I’m pretty sure I saw her sneaking off with her mates earlier.
She sniffs. “Yes, well. About that thing that you mentioned earlier.”
I blink at her with confusion until I remember my offer to shoot her and her males up with some Love Arrows. “Oh! Yes,” I say eagerly. “What about it?”
“It would be quite alright if you tried it. Sometime. When I’m not much too busy for you.”
My grin widens. I feel like I just won
a medal. My cupids and I must have really impressed her tonight. “Just say the word, and I’ll be there.”
She sniffs again and then gives me a terse nod. “Well, then. I bid you all good night.” She looks to Ronak. “Don’t allow your covey to embarrass the Fircrown name tonight.”
Ronak opens his mouth to argue, but Evert’s chuckle cuts him off. “Don’t worry, Resha. We’ll wait until tomorrow to do that.”
She sniffs displeasingly and then walks off. Ronak’s fathers shake their heads, tell us goodnight, and follow behind her.
I turn to my mates in victory. “See!” I say excitedly. “She totally likes me now. I knew I could finally get her. By this time next year, we’ll totally be getting pedicures together and primping each other’s wings while we gossip. She’s gonna like me so much, she’ll probably even learn how to smile.”
“Let’s not get crazy with the expectations,” Evert says dryly.
I tilt my head. “You’re right. Smiling is a bit much.”
“I’m proud of you,” Ronak says, running his callused hands up and down my legs. “Coming from my mother, that was practically a hug. You tamed the old witch. I didn’t think it was possible.”
“I’m super good at impossible things.”
“Yes, you are,” Okot says behind me, slipping my hair over my shoulder so he can kiss the back of my neck. I hum in pleasure. His lips send soft caresses down my spine, and I shiver in response.
“Mossie has Amorette all night tonight,” I say.
Ronak’s black eyes connect with mine. “Yes.”
“That means we can have super sexy times without worrying we’ll be interrupted,” I point out.
Evert immediately jumps to his feet, jolting me a little. We all look up at him in surprise. “What the hell are you fuckers waiting for? Let’s get our mate home,” he demands.
I laugh, but the other guys rush into action. Okot carries me all the way to the carriage, and keeps me on his lap when we get in it.
With all of them sitting in such close quarters, I take a deep breath, and then I Lust Breath the shit out of them.
All four of them groan. The carriage is filled with pink Lust Breath curling around us, and I giggle when their pants instantly tent.
“You little demon,” Ronak rebukes, trying to adjust his pants. “What have we told you about Lusting us?”
“Not to do it unless I’m ready to face the consequences,” I say with a coy smile.
“That’s right. You’re in trouble now.”
A thrill travels down me, landing directly onto my core. I grin flirtatiously. “Good. Because I want you to teach me lots and lots of lessons.”
Chapter 19
I shift against Okot’s huge erection digging into my ass, and his fingers dig into my waist as he groans.
“Now she’s teasing the fucking lamassu,” Evert smirks. He’s not doing anything to hide his erection. Instead, he leans back farther against the carriage wall, jutting his hips toward me. I try to lean in to touch, but Ronak’s hand shoots out, and his fingers wrap around my wrist.
“Nope. You don’t get to touch.”
I pout. “That’s not nice.”
Ronak smirks. “Should’ve thought about that before, little demon. You broke the rules, so now your teasing ass is ours.” He leans in close, his beard scratching against my neck and ear. “We are going to fill you up and make you scream.”
Gods, I think my panties just spontaneously combusted.
“Besides, we have something to show you. And if you start getting frisky now, you’ll be too distracted.”
I cock my head, and my brows crease together. “What is it?”
“It’s a surprise,” he says, and it’s clear from his voice that I won’t be getting anything else out of them.
When the carriage rolls up to our den, I practically fly out of there. I’m so ready for their mysterious surprise, and to be sexed up, it’s not even funny.
They help me down the stairs and into our den, and as soon as I step inside, I gasp in shock.
“Holy heartbeat,” I breathe.
I look around in complete awe at our den. There are white candles everywhere. On the floor and on every flat surface, there are hundreds of them, making the entire den glow. Then, there’s the red rose petals. They’re sprinkled throughout the floor, making a trail between the candle walkway leading to the bedroom. On the wall is a huge red heart, carved out of wood and painted red, with the words, “Be Our Valentine” carved into it.
My eyes fill with tears as I turn to them. “You…you did all this for me?”
They all nod. “We had some help,” Sylred explains. “But we heard what you said, about why you loved Valentine’s Day so much. We wanted you to know that even if we don’t always say it, we do love and cherish you, every single day.”
“I love you too,” I whisper, my voice choked up. I wrap my hands around each of them in turn and kiss them on their lips. “Thank you,” I say. “This was so nice and romantic and just…perfect,” I smile at them. “You’re the best mates in any realm, ever.”
“You deserve it all, my beloved,” Okot says.
“She does deserve it all,” Evert says, wagging his brows to make me know he means something of the sexual variety. Now I’m even hornier than before.
“You guys are gonna get sexually rewarded for this romantic gesture,” I tell them honestly.
Without wasting any time, I turn on my heel and hurry down rose petal lane, all the way to the bedroom. As soon as I get inside, I’m already trying to undo my bodice ties to my dress. I sigh in frustration when the ties get tangled.
“Hurry! Someone help me get naked so you can teach me lots of lessons and give me orgasms,” I tell them.
Evert smirks as he steps forward to undo the dress for me, but when it takes too long, he says, “Fuck it,” and swipes his claws down the back. My dress falls in a heap on the floor...along with the coin that was stuck in my cleavage.
I frown. “You ruined my new dress.”
He shrugs apologetically as his blue eyes rake over my exposed breasts. “We’ll buy you a new one. I wanted you naked, and I wasn’t going to wait.”
“Okay,” I nod immediately, because I’m really liking his logic.
Then, Evert kneels in front of me, and I get all excited, thinking he’s about to press my beaverbutton with his tongue, but the fucker blows a huge breath of Lust right at my clit instead.
I come on the spot.
Ronak catches me when my knees give out. Evert stands back up with a smirk.
“Y-You fucker,” I pant.
He shrugs. “That’s what you get for teasing us in the carriage.”
I’m not gonna lie, it’s a fantastic punishment. Not that I’ll admit it.
But now I really need some dick. Like, pronto. My vagina is practically snapping her lips in impatience.
Ronak gives the guys some weird alpha looks to communicate, and the next thing I know, I’m on the bed, and they’re stripping.
“Gods, we haven’t been able to do this all together for months,” I say, my eyes raking over their bodies. Sylred is the slenderest, but he’s still larger than me and has a nicely toned and tanned body. In contrast, Evert and Okot are pale, but they also have drool worthy bodies. Okot just happens to be huge. Ronak, of course, has muscles on muscles on muscles. But all four of them have those delicious V’s pointing down to the promised lands. It’s become my favorite letter.
When their shirts and pants are discarded, I hungrily eye their cocks. I also drool a little. I don’t think they notice.
“Looks like she’s ready to suck a cock,” Evert smirks.
Dammit. They noticed.
“Whose turn is it?” I ask, probably a bit too eagerly, because the guys chuckle.
Ronak considers my question for a moment, and then nods at Okot. “It’s his turn for your mouth.”
I grimace a bit. Not because I don’t like sucking him, but because he’s so freaking huge tha
t I nearly unhinged my jaw last time. Okot notices my apprehension. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, my beloved.”
Well, now I really want to. But first…
“Oh! Hold that thought. You guys are all here and hard, and I keep meaning to do this.”
I sit back on my knees and then scramble for the nightstand. “Everyone stay where you are,” I order as I root through the drawer. I can feel their eyes on my ass where I’m bending over.
When I find what I’m looking for, I immediately rush into action. I walk over to Sylred first, hold the measuring tape up to his dick, and spread it out. I hum in approval to myself at the number, and then I proceed to move onto Evert’s, Ronak’s, and then Okot’s erections.
“What…what the fuck is happening?” Evert asks incredulously.
All four of my mates are watching me, bewildered.
When I see Okot’s number, my eyebrows shoot up. I look over at Sylred since he’s the carpenter of the bunch. “What’s twenty fae forns converted to earth realm inches?”
Sylred blinks at me. “…I…I don’t know.”
“Hmm,” I say thoughtfully. “Oh, well.”
Now that I’m done, I return the measuring tape to the nightstand drawer in satisfaction. “Okay, all done,” I say proudly.
My mates are looking at me, totally baffled.
“Did you just measure our dicks?” Ronak asks.
“Yep. I’ve just been waiting for the opportunity.”
Evert snorts, and Sylred is biting on his lips, trying not to laugh. Ronak pinches the bridge of his nose. Okot looks smug, to be honest. But the guy with the biggest dick always does.
“Are you done now?” Ronak asks.
“Yeah. And I gotta say, very impressive guys. Really,” I tell them, because it’s always nice to compliment their cocks. Especially when they’re standing at attention just for me.
Ronak shakes his head at me. “Little demon?”
“Yes, Alpha?” I ask coyly, and I see his dick twitch in response. He loves it when I call him that.
“Get your ass back on the bed.”