For the Love of Cupidity Page 10
“You’ve got to push, honey,” she tells me again.
I shake my head “I…I just…” I point at the baby I just delivered. “I already did that! I’m supposed to be done! That’s the rules!”
“Yes, but now you’re going to do it again. Now push!”
“Fuuuuuuuuucking hell!” I scream as I push as hard as I can.
Of course, that’s when the demon, Jerkahf appears in a burst of hellfire smoke.
He materializes at the foot of my bed, with a front row seat to my stretched-out uppercunt.
When we see each other, our eyes widen, and we both shriek in alarm.
“Don’t look at me!” I shriek, at the same time that he cries, “My eyes!”
Evert is on him in a hot second, smashing his fist against the demon’s jaw, but I’m too busy to intervene because I’m pushing again and feeling like my vagina is stretching wide enough to accommodate a freaking elephant.
It’s so hard. It hurts. My entire vagina is on fire. “Something isn’t right!” I wail. “Oh gods, it’s too big!”
The midwife has a strained look on her face as she tries to help me pry the baby from my body. “Keep pushing!” she urges.
I push and push and push until black spots appear in my vision and then…a baby bull pops out of me.
The midwife holds it up in shock. Its sleek hair is covered in blood and placenta. I pant, and everyone freezes in astonishment, looking at the freaking bull that I just pushed out of my vagina. It has little baby horns—dulled, thank gods—and little hooves. Oh, and it’s wings? They’re cupid red. It’s adorable, but…
My eyes swing to my lamassu mate. “You…you didn’t tell me that I might have to give birth to a freaking winged bull!” I screech.
He looks at me guiltily. “I didn’t want to worry you, my beloved. It doesn’t happen often. Only very strong lamassus can shift before birth.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “My vagina is crying right now, Okot. It’s never gonna be the same after that. Never. All those times I warned you about my narrow channel, well, now you’ve really done it. You’ve ruined it for good.”
Evert takes our daughter from Okot’s arms so that the midwife can hand the squirmy winged bull to him instead. The little bull sniffs Okot’s fingers and nuzzles against his chest. It’s little tail wags.
“I will gift you a token to show my love and appreciation for the sacrifice you have made to your vagina,” Okot tells me seriously.
“Okay. But I want a really, really good token. Like, the best freaking token ever. Better yet, I want two.”
“It will be done, my beloved.”
I nod tersely. “Good.”
“I cannot believe you summoned me to see that,” the demon whines, and I look over at him where he’s slumped against the wall, sporting a black eye.
“It was an accident,” I say.
“I never want to see that again.”
I scowl. “I’ll have you know, that my vagina usually looks super appealing. You caught it at a bad time.”
“It was like seeing a fleshy watermelon squeezing out of a fleshy oyster,” he says with a shudder.
I glare at him. “Get out.”
He nods. “Yes, ma’am.”
With the snap of his fingers, he disappears in a puff of smoke. Sylred immediately opens the windows so the babies don’t breathe any of it in.
My attention goes back to my lamassu mate, and our son who suddenly shifts from a bull to a baby boy. Okot wraps him in a blanket.
“Can I see them?” I ask.
“Of course you can,” Ronak says, kissing me on the top of the head. “You did it, little demon.”
I sigh in relief as Okot and Evert bring both babies up to me so I can see them. I start crying all over again as soon as my eyes land on their perfect little faces. “They’re so tiny and beautiful,” I say, placing a kiss on each of their cheeks. They’ve already fallen asleep, snuggled into their blankets.
“Twins,” I say with wonder. “No wonder I was so big.” I look at Okot. “I knew it was your fault.”
Okot smiles shyly. I can tell he’s proud, but he doesn’t want to gloat since, you know, he’s the reason I just had to push a bull out of my coochie.
“Umm, Emelle?” the midwife says.
My head swings over to face her.
And then another painful contraction hits.
She winces at my expression. “There’s another baby.”
Chapter 22
“No!” I cry-scream. “No. I did two! I’m tapping out,” I say, and I start tapping my hand against Ronak’s face. “Tap! Tap me out! Someone tap me the fuck out! My turn is over!”
“You have to,” the midwife says. “I already see the head.”
“You made me give birth to a freaking litter!” I wail at Okot accusingly as a huge contraction takes over me.
I start sobbing uncontrollably, while Ronak and Sylred try to hold up my legs for me since I don’t have the strength.
Sylred uses his sound soothe power to try to calm me down, but I’m so freaking exhausted and in pain that I don’t know if I have it in me to do it for a third time.
Ronak must sense this, because he puts his alpha voice on. “Push, Emelle!”
“Fucking fine! AHHH!”
I push until I’m pretty sure I popped every blood vessel in my entire body. The last of my belly seems to deflate like a hot-air balloon with no more air, and the third baby comes out of me.
“Is it a freaking bull?” I pant weakly, totally collapsed against Sylred and Ronak. “Cuz I need so m-many tokennnss n-now, Okot. Y’hear meee?” I slur. I’m so exhausted I can’t even speak.
The midwife holds up the baby—déjà vu—and I see another little girl. With my cupid wings and…a tail. A genfin tail.
My eyes snap to my genfins. “ You got me pregnant…while I was already freaking pregnant!” I screech.
All three of them wince.
The midwife just chuckles. “It’s very rare, but it can happen,” she tells me.
I look at my mates murderously. “If there is another baby in me, so help me gods, I will literally smother you all in your sleep.”
The midwife full out laughs at that. “No more babies, child. You’re done. The afterbirths are already out,” she says, clearly cleaning me up.
I glare again at my guys. “Did you hear that? The afterbirths are already out, and I barely felt it, because my vagina just pushed out three freaking babies, including a baby bull!”
The babies start crying, and I instantly feel bad. “Oh, I’m sorry, babies! Mommy’s not mad at you. Mommy’s mad at your daddies.”
I open my arms for them, and very carefully, the guys hand me all three. I balance one in each arm, and let the third one nuzzle against my chest in the middle.
The midwife cleans everything up, including me, and then leaves, promising to check in again soon. Mossie brings Amorette home soon after, and when she sees three new babies instead of one, a new yellow flower pops out of her scalp. She plucks it for me and sets it on my nightstand.
“Thanks, Moss,” I say around a yawn.
“So precious,” she coos. “I’ll babysit any time. Except for nights. And seeding season. Or weeding Wednesdays.”
“Of course.”
When I yawn again, she quickly says her goodbyes and leaves so we can get some rest. It was a long, long labor, and I’m beat. Amorette crawled into Sylred’s lap, and he’s humming a low steady song, sending soothing waves of power out for our babies.
Good thing our bed is so big, because all nine of us are in it. Five adults and four kids, snuggled in together.
Each of my mates is holding one of our children. The sight is enough to make me teary-eyed. There’s so much love in the room that my cupid boss mark is tingling against my skin.
I watch the guys as they gently rub the babies’ backs and coo soft words to them, while little hands wrap around big fingers, and small noises of content escape their
mouths. I can’t contain my overwhelming joy, and every time I see the guys staring down at our babies with wonder and shining eyes, I get a bit choked up.
“I’m proud of you,” Ronak says quietly as he cradles our new son.
Evert reaches forward and gently cups my jaw, landing a kiss on my lips. “So fucking proud, Scratch.”
Okot is already asleep, our little bull daughter sleeping against his large chest, while Syrled continues to hum. Amorette is already fast asleep against him.
I thought I had all the love I’d ever get. But now? With all eight of them? My love is immeasurable.
“Triplets,” I say, shaking my head in wonder. “Two cupid lamassus and a cupid genfin. Did that really just happen? It seems so perfectly impossible.”
Sylred leans forward and kisses me on the top of my head. “But remember, love? You’re always doing impossible things.”
I smile. “That’s because I knew.”
“Knew what?” Ronak asks softly, careful not to wake any of our babies.
“That you all were worth every impossible thing,” I reply tenderly.
Evert grins, both of his dimples coming out. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Scratch.”
I smile back. “Best Valentine’s ever.”
The End
Thank you so much for reading!
If you enjoyed this story, please take a moment to leave a review.
Thank you to my readers for loving Emelle & her guys enough to want this story.
And thank you to my squad for helping me with this novella. I couldn’t have done it without you.
About the Author
Raven Kennedy likes writing and reading and chocolate-bar-eating. Dark chocolate. Get out of here with that other stuff. She also likes taking long walks on the beach. Not really. She lives in the desert. The only water around is the wavy stuff that comes with a mirage. But I’m sure if there were a beach nearby, she’d walk then. Probably. Maybe.
Be sure to follow her on the social media sites below.
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